
Une maintenance de routine est programmée sur notre site le samedi, 4/20/2024, de 22h00 à 7h00 UTC. Pendant cette période, il se peut que vous ne puissiez pas réserver, reprogrammer ou annuler un examen. Veuillez nous excuser pour tout inconvénient causé. Nous vous remercions de votre patience.

Available downloads

Licensing & CE-Licensee Services

For questions about licensing, please call 1-800-275-8247
For questions about continuing education, please call 1-888-252-8556

The Colorado Division of Insurance utilizes an all-electronic process for all new license, renewal, and continuation applications, agency registrations, letter of certification requests, address changes, and CE Course banking by providers. Most applications are processed in under five business days. If your application needs more in-depth review, it may take longer to process. Paper applications/requests for these transactions will be returned unprocessed.

Online processing is available at the following: or


CE-Licensee & Provider Services

For CE related questions, please call 1-888-252-8556

Dernière mise à jour 2023-04-21