
Une maintenance de routine est programmée sur notre site le samedi, 4/20/2024, de 22h00 à 7h00 UTC. Pendant cette période, il se peut que vous ne puissiez pas réserver, reprogrammer ou annuler un examen. Veuillez nous excuser pour tout inconvénient causé. Nous vous remercions de votre patience.

Plagiarism & AI Policy

  • The Department of State prohibits candidates from plagiarizing any portion of their employment application materials to include responses to questions in which candidates must provide a narrative response.  Candidates must create their own responses originally and not copy or adapt them from other sources. The Department analyzes candidate submissions for plagiarism and will discontinue any individual’s candidacy if found to have violated this plagiarism policy. 
  • While the Department of State encourages candidates to create their narratives with great care, including correct use of grammar and style, candidates are prohibited from using any artificial intelligence (AI) tool, to include but not limited to ChatGPT, to aid in their written responses.  The Department will discontinue any individual’s candidacy if found to have violated this prohibition on use of AI tools in the application process. 

To Learn More:

Please visit for more information on the Foreign Service and the Specialist selection process.

Dernière mise à jour 2023-09-12